Martha Cole and Elaine Peterson are having their annual SPRING JEWELRY AND GIFT SHOW at Martha's home: 5915 Highland Hills Drive, Austin
Friday, April 24: 12-4 pm: Shop during the day!
Saturday, April 25: 9 am- 2 pm: Bring a friend, get a free goodie!
Even with a "down" economy, we've come UP with some adorable, affordable creations that will brighten your look, but won't put a damper on your pocketbook! Martha's style is whimsical, colorful and playful, with lots of handcrafted, ethnic and vintage beads... and Elaine's style is sparkly and elegant, with beautiful accents in crystals and pearls.Our guest artist this spring is TISA JACKSON of TISA'S CREATIONS, with her adorable handstamped cards, stationery and more. You'll love them!
You can see a sampling of Martha's jewelry at MotsDots.Etsy.com and NotSoDotty.Etsy.com. Tisa's online shop is TisasCreations.Etsy.com
Directions to Martha Cole's house: From Mopac, take the 2222/Northland exit and go west on 2222. The first light you'll come to is Balcones Drive. DO NOT turn on Balcones (so don't be in the far right turn lane), but turn on the first street right after Balcones: Highland Hills Drive, a residential street that shoots off to the right. Once you're on Highland Hills Drive, it'll make a fork. Bear left to stay on HHD (just follow the yellow stripe), and wind around several blocks. House will be on the right: 5915 Highland Hills Drive. Call if you get lost: 453-2650.
Hope to see you at the show!
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