Friday Letter

dear self - you DID it, you presented on branding - I'm so proud of you.  see, it was not as bad as you thought it would be.

dear Risa - I'm sorry and I'm so super sad with you. but I'm here for you and will do whatever I need to do to help out

dear New York - I'm finally coming for a visit.  I'm so happy to be able to go to the stationery show this May - whooohoooo!

dear button maker - whoohooo, thanks for coming so super fast - I love you

dear work area, you are looking so awesome.  a little bit more organizing and you will be perfect.  now only if I can keep you clean.

dear honey - love you - always, I'm so happy and I'm proud of you

dear Lani - flea tomorrow?

dear Kayla - you are really the best daughter anyone could ask for - thanks for coming to me when you need to.  I'm proud of about those DJ's for language arts, can we get those turned in on time???

dear Anthony - you are growing up so fast...thanks for all you do to help us around the house...remember she will always be your sister - love you

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