Oh my…ok I use these apps almost every. single. day
Instagram - My number one social media place right now. I love to share with brands I love and use daily!
Starbucks! My number two app. I can keep up with my stars, rewards and pay for my items right from this app. I love getting out of the car with only my phone and they just scan my phone to make my purchase.
Etsy!…ofcourse, I'm able to stay connected with my customers on the go.
Run Meter! I use this for all of my runs. It keeps a history for me that way I can start to compare runs. It also keeps up my mileage, calories burned and runtime.
Day One - This is a journaling app and I use it to describe my run for the day or journal about the things I'm grateful for. You can add photos and back it up on your computer.
My Fitness Pal - I use this to count calories and also to keep up with calories burned during runs. LOVE!
InstaWeather - Cute app to post temps in your area and you choose the background using your own pics and you can then post them to instagram…LOVE.
Rhonna - design app. You can give your pictures a little 'bling'. They have so many Design Packs and fonts to choose from. A must have.
I also love Hobby Lobby, Target, Joann's, Facebook, Twitter, Eventbright and Passbook. I don't use these every day, but I do use them often.
I also love Hobby Lobby, Target, Joann's, Facebook, Twitter, Eventbright and Passbook. I don't use these every day, but I do use them often.

Our week 6 prompt: My Favorite Teas…
Have a great Wednesday everyone
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