I love working with Cents of Style. Their purpose is to empower women to lead bold and full lives. Their Values: Hustle, Clarity, Radiate, Own It, Tribe, and Create. They believe when you look good, you feel good and then you can, in turn, pass the good to those around you. Cents of Style brings you the latest affordable accessories, shoes and clothing.
Today we look at Biana's mission and what it stands for and we bring you and amazing deal. Cuff Tribe Bracelets for only 11.95 + free shipping (code listed below)
This post contains affiliate links, if you click on one of the product links provided will result in a small amount of revenue when a purchase is made via that link.
Today we look at Biana's mission and what it stands for and we bring you and amazing deal. Cuff Tribe Bracelets for only 11.95 + free shipping (code listed below)
This post contains affiliate links, if you click on one of the product links provided will result in a small amount of revenue when a purchase is made via that link.
Briana is the founder of the podcast and movement The LifeBeats Project. Briana's mission is inspiring. Her movement brings connection, inspiration, and the illumination of the extraordinary that already exists within you. She is determined to take her message of people’s extraordinariness to the world to help others to see how truly amazing they already are and that by sharing their story they can help connect the world one story at a time. Her story about our Script Tribe bracelet fits right in with that mission:
Friends, can I just tell you that you are amazing?!! Yes, you reading this right now, yes you on your phone in bed catching one more second before the morning crazy, yes you in the school pick up lane, yes you wondering if today is going to be the day that you finally do that thing, yes you, wherever you are, whomever you are!
You have a story to share. Wherever you are on your journey your story is worthy of inspiring others right now! Whatever you have gone through, whatever you are going through, those things make you perfect to share your story.
I have learned that there is a power in the telling of stories.
Each of us are going through things and when you open up and ‘Tell your Story’ something magical happens. The power of vulnerability takes over and your brave creates connection to the person hearing you. You light a spark in them. Those LifeBeats that are within you and your story resonate with the LifeBeats within them and theirs. Our LifeBeats are those core things within each of us that ring true when we hear someone else’s story which help us to know that we are not alone and can do hard things too. On the surface our stories may seem so different, but those LifeBeats connect you and me. The desire to be loved, the desire to be understood, the desire to do good, the desire to reach our potential. Those are LifeBeats and connect you to me and me to you. And connection is what we crave, its what brings joy and meaning into our lives! This connection helps us to remember that we are not alone and the gifts we each possess are made to be shared with others. You can make a difference, today, now, so ‘Tell Your Story’.
Use code is TELLIT and it will make each bracelet $11.95 in the cart + FREE Shipping
This code is valid 9/14/16 - 9/21/16.
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