Friday Letter - Feb 17, 2012

Dear Friday:  Glad you're here...

Dear Kayla (my daughter):  Thanks for taking this fun picture of us this week.  But you changed your facebook status to being in a relationship and I think you are seriously trying to kill me.  Oh, and thanks for reminding me about all my gray hair (all the time)  I think it's time to look into getting it colored...UGH...

Dear Honey:  Thanks for reminding me to communicate - it makes everything better.  Love you...

Dear Anthony (my son):  I'm so happy with the classes we picked for next year...

Dear Post Office Workers:  Thank you for being so friendly and taking all my packages with a smile.  I will never go to another post office.

Dear Very Jane:  Thanks for accepting my contract.  I can't wait to be featured on your website next month.

Dear Melanie:  Thanks for your order- I enjoyed working on this for you.  Hope your daughter has a great birthday.

Dear Starbucks:  I miss you.  But we have a date on Sat, Feb 25th becuase by then my 40 days of giving you up will be over.

Dear Whitney Houston:  I'm sorry...Rest in Pease.  I continue to hope the best for your daughter.

Dear Sleep:  Where are you.  I find myslef staying up so late, I can't seem to settle down at night.  Then I wake up the next day in a horrible mood.  Please find your way back to me.

This is my Friday Letter, smooches



Lani Derrick said...

I think you should tell Kayla that the newest grey hairs are from when she changed her facebook status;)

Alyssa said...

I hear ya on the sleep thing! I've dedicated this weekend to catching up on lost sleep!!

Contemplating Beauty said...

heartwarming letters....:)

Chandra said...

How sweet is this?!...less the grey hairs, of course. Loved the letter and am newly following your blog and would like to invite you to share in a new linkup on Wednesdays by sharing a creative, handmade, edible, or style post with me and my readers.
