Friday Letter - March 1st

Dear everyone:  Happy March 1st

Dear Kayla:  I love to see 81's better than 47's!!!  Thanks for giving 100% this week at school.  But really I'm tired of the short jokes...come on...

Dear Anthony:  yay!  Class ring.

Dear Lani:  I love this picture of us.  Have a great weekend!

Dear Risa:  Thanks for letting me be honest and listening!  I completely understand where you are coming from.  It will all work you, you made a great decision.

Dear Honey:  Miss you

Dear Wine:  Miss you too!

Dear Work:  All I can say is UGH!  I'm so glad the next couple of weeks will be relaxing and then I'm off to Cali!  whooohooooo!  Counting the days...counting the days!

Dear Craftcation:  I'm sooooo excited...

Dear SNAP:  I'm sooooo excited...

1 comment

Lani Derrick said...

That really is a great picture! I can't wait for Craftcation and Snap!!